Expand out without burning out

complimentary 15-minute sessions

Are you being pushed out of your comfort zone —and it’s bringing up some stuff?

: You’re going through a transformation and it’s a welcome change, even though it’s causing some re-evaluation of priorities —in life or business

: You want to feel confident, creative, and courageous, but …

: You find yourself mired in self-doubt, procrastination, comparisonitis or overwhelm

Are you ready for growth on your own terms?

: You’ve developed your skills, expertise, and methods and now desire to contribute more widely—without depleting your precious inner resources.

: You have a solid business foundation (or are building a stronger one) and are committed to being intentional about expanding your business or platform

: You’re done burning out or overwhelming your energy and don’t want to add unnecessary To-Do’s (or more marketing Must-Do’s) to your calendar

Before you expand, Align.

As a conscious entrepreneur, you crave a certain lifestyle —one that aligns with the essence and ethics of your work.

You also love your work and are drawn to share it widely —sometimes to your own detriment.

You’re no stranger to burnout but you know that boundaries around time, money, and energy are essential to longevity. #selfcare

The Work you’re doing is powerful: transformational, life-shifting, healing Work.

There’s a huge need for it in the world, so you keep pushing forward.

Align first, then act.

In a complimentary 15-minute ALIGN TO EXPAND session with Kellie, you will answer three powerful questions —leaving you empowered, confident, and ready to expand in the way that works for your unique body, mind, and business.

You’ll leave the ALIGN TO EXPAND session with a customized next action item.

I know you don’t do the Work for fame, money, or bragging rights.

: You do it for the mission

: You do it because it changed your life

: You share this Work for a healthier, happier, and kinder world

There are more people who need what you are sharing—and the world needs your insight.

But you can’t reach those people if you are…

your industry’s best-kept secret

maxed out with one-to-one services

spreading yourself too thin with a hodge-podge of services

paying your dues in corporate until you finally (someday!) break out on your own

waiting for the “right time” to write the course, develop your methods, craft the talk, develop your training, or lead a retreat

How it works:

  • Apply for a session below and answer a few questions about your expansion goal*

    • Examples: write a course, develop a program, a series class, publish a book or write a proposal, synthesize or license your methods / protocol / program/ training, craft a signature talk, plan a Retreat

  • I’ll review your responses to ensure I can help!

  • If I can help, I’ll send you a link to book your session and a pre-session playsheet —this helps us stay focused

  • During your ALIGN TO EXPAND session, you’ll answer three powerful questions designed to align your expansion goals with your business model (and energy needs)

  • I’ll offer my insight based on my 15+ years of experience in the LOHAS industry and innovative business models to provide you with one action to take based on your responses in the session

*this process is most effective for those with a clear expansion goal


  • 15-minute coaching session with Kellie by application only

  • Limited follow-up coaching available in the Biz Kula, Kellie’s coaching community (on Facebook)


  1. Is this really free?

    • Yes! No strings. This is one way I give back to my community.

  2. But what are you REALLY going to ask (what are the questions)?

    • Over the last 10 years in my coaching practice, I’ve found that the biggest breakthroughs are often the result of asking and answering these questions for yourself for each layer of your life (all the many layers). I was curious to see if this transformational process could be facilitated in a shorter container of time—and thus, more widely available. And it is. That’s why the ALIGN TO EXPAND sessions came to be. If you’ve wondered what a holistic business coaching session can do for you —or for your business —this is the fastest way to experience the benefits of insight, confidence, and soul-aligned action: in the shortest amount of time I can reasonably guarantee.

  3. What if I don’t have a business yet, will I benefit from this?

    • That depends. If you are an established professional in your industry and are looking to expand your business or business model in some way, this could be of benefit. If it isn’t, I’ll let you know, because life is too short to waste time on filler.

  4. Do you have examples of people you’ve worked with?

    • Absolutely! You can read through the feedback from some previous clients below.

  5. Is this a sales call?

    • No. It’s a service I provide to remain connected to my community’s needs. It’s also an experiential demonstration of personalized business coaching. 3 powerful questions, 5 minutes each = 15 minute ALIGN TO EXPAND session. If you decide you’d like to continue working with me after the call, I’ll tell you more about how I can help after your ALIGN TO EXPAND session.

“The biggest takeaway from working with Kellie was how wonderful it was knowing that she believed in my ideas, supported my creativity and met me where I was at - always. Even when I wasn’t quite ready to take the next action step, Kellie helped me to see that there were still some small steps I could take toward my long term goals while being in “contemplation”. Kellie provided me with tools and tips to use in changing my direction toward a concrete goal (ie workshop to precede a retreat, or series of workshops). While Kellie challenged my business growth in the direction of providing trainings for yoga and therapy professionals, other areas of my career grew, offering me even more opportunities to create programs, provide trainings and workshops.”
— ~Sandee Nebel, MS, LMHC, CEDS, RYT, Yoga Therapist and Founder:
I highly recommend Kellie, she has a vast amount of knowledge in many areas and is incredibly generous with her knowledge and resources. I think that this simple way of gentle encouragement is one of the major things that sets Kellie apart. Often people with a vast amount of knowledge on health and wellness are so keen for clients to see dramatic shifts over night that they push you to make radical changes yet this only ever set me up for failure. Instead, Kellie gave me a gentle nudge in the right direction and I started implementing the changes I desired one small step at a time.
— Laura Green, Yoga Trainer
I absolutely recommend working with Kellie if you are feeling lost, confused and overwhelmed. Or if you need someone to simplify the process, to help you prioritize, to focus, and to be more efficient and effective. With Kellie’s support, I have been able to settle down, dig deep, and create a business that I love and that is helping me to help people.
— Tori Lundock, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Wisdom Method Yoga Therapist
Kellie is a gem – her wisdom, skill and compassion are unprecedented and her ability to educate others and deliver complex information is always clear and filled with insight. As a coach, she always listens intently and speaks to your needs – prompting deep inner work that will ultimately deliver results. If you are looking for an inclusive conscious business coach, I highly recommend working with Kellie — your expectations will be met – and always exceeded.
— Katherine Borse, MSOM, Acupuncture Physician and Yoga Teacher